Thursday, February 10, 2011

Don't Be So Pushy

I realized that when I want something I do this...

1. leave little hints for a good while
2. when it gets closer to time I start to "help" this person a bit more towards what I want
3. If its getting too close, I down right just ask.

Example 1

So when my amazing Love came to visit me on tuesday I was very happy, but when we talked I got to feel silly and stupid. It really sucked that I was told I'm probably not getting the promise ring I want till there is an occasion for it to be given (i.e. birthday, Christmas, ect.).

But i followed my plan to the T! I left little hints since we had started dating of the importance a promise ring holds for me and then I gave REALLY big hints towards what I wanted for Valentines day (after a year and 3months of dating so its ok to ask..but before really doesn't make sense). Last I even looked up rings I would LOVE to receive. Then when he came he told me about why he isn't gonna get me one because I did the one thing he hates and responds THE OPPOSITE way to! STUPID ME! YOU KNEW THAT!
Sadly I thought I was in the right because he doesn't really do the things I want him to without me asking...but I was HONEST to goodness in the WRONG and I felt STUPID! STUPID ME! Now your consequence is that you don't get it for a good FEW months! STUPID ME! Thats all I can say.

Example 2

I wanted a mirror that was full lenght and I keep dropping hints to my dad, when it got closer to when I was gonna leave...I mean I deff followed my normal plan and that BACK FIRED on me BIGTIME. My dad said he wasn't ever going to get me that mirror because I didn't just ask. If I had asked I would have gotten it, but since I made a "big deal out of it." Of course, right...that always happens...but with friends...IT ALWAYS works...I don't get why guy people who are close to me arn't effected by it..