Sunday, February 13, 2011

Hopes Can Be Dashed

I truely hate Valentines Day. Nothing ever goes right. Last time I spent the day with Cristhian and we had a good time. But that was the only good Valentines Day that I have ever had! All the others, CRAP! And this one will just add to it. WHY?

1. No Boyfriend, it sucks to be away from the person you want to be with the most on a day where EVERYONE else gets to be together! YAY..NOT!

2. No ring (made me sad but I will most likely never get it because it holds more value to me than him. So engagement ring in 3 or 4 years, LONG WAIT here I come!

3. COUPLES everywhere...gonna makes me wanna smack them ALL! Grrrrr...

I am under the impression that my ring will never come because it holds LITTLE value to my Love than it does to me. To me, its something special. To him, its nothing important. Sadly, since its important to me, it should be important to him but we have a lot of things that we don't agree on. Yet the ring isn't as important as knowing I am so far away from him that I cant even SPEND the day with him. WHY? cause I broke his stinking car! GRRR, AGAIN!!! Luckily I will be pretty busy all day and only have about 2hrs to do nothing.

Side note, at midnight I will be handing out valentine day (CUTE) cards to EVERY door on our hall! I'm excited to love on other people! But thats the only thing I have that I can be happy about this Valentines day! I doubt I'll get to talk to my boyfriend long..BUT I know for sure I won't be surprised with flowers on Monday because my Love told me so. A sad thing but true! That is just how it works with us. I give gifts and he pays for a meal. (I think I spend the most unless we go to a few other places, but eating dinner I could do without if it meant getting a gift from someone I love, but that dinner time is a good time to talk..PROS and CONS..hehe)

For those who want to know, I had A WONDERFUL time with my Love! I loved being able to spend so much time with him! We went to Chinese for dinner with friends before going to watch Rodgers and Hammerstine's Cinderella. And then went bowling with different friends (a couple, it was nice to have a couples date) and spent a wonderful time just being a couple! EXCITING! then the next day, WE were lazy and didn't get to see each other for a long time. But we did my homework ( i did it, he just came with me) and took pictures (AWESOME pictures) and my dad came to visit for a bit and switch out laptops. Then we went to dinner at a Chinese BUFFET (which I LOVE THE MOSTEST) and had a great time. Walked there and back, enjoyed laughing and just being with him! Spent the night in my room for a bit just being with each other. Then he left at 9pm and I cried while getting food!

I HATE VALENTINES DAY! (Sad but true!) I have nothing to look forward to except the night...and sleeping!